Fall is LivAir time: Why now is the ideal season for radon measurements

Autumn marks the start of the radon measurement season in many countries. The heating period in particular, which often extends from October to March or April, is considered the optimal time for radon measurements.

The reason for this lies in the seasonal fluctuations in radon concentrations in buildings. In addition to other factors such as weather conditions and usage behavior, the radon concentration can fluctuate considerably between the seasons. A measurement at the height of summer can lead to lower radon levels, as doors and windows are opened more often, resulting in better ventilation of the building and therefore lower radon levels. The Federal Office for Radiation Protection therefore advises: "To obtain more accurate results, you should measure in winter if possible so as not to underestimate the annual average value."

Annual average value as reference The reference value for radon is based on an annual average value, which represents the average radon concentration over an entire year. In Germany, a measurement period of twelve months is generally recommended for measurements in accordance with § 127 or § 128 of the Radiation Protection Act.

International differences in measurement duration Other countries have different standards for the duration and timing of radon measurements in buildings:

  • Austria: The annual measurement is shortened to six months, whereby at least half of the measurement must take place during the heating period (October 15 to April 15).
  • Switzerland: An exposure period of one year is prescribed here, but at least 90 days during the heating period (October to March) without seasonal correction.

With LivAir, you can ensure that you get accurate and reliable radon measurements, regardless of the time of year. It's important to stay informed and take the right steps to ensure indoor health and safety.


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