Radon gas is an invisible, odorless and radioactive gas that results from the natural decay of uranium in soils and rocks. It is present everywhere, but in varying concentrations, depending on geological and meteorological conditions. Radon is a serious health risk as it is the second most common cause of lung cancer after smoking. It is particularly dangerous because it goes unnoticed and can cause long-term damage to health.
What is radon gas?
Radon is produced by the decay of uranium-238, which occurs naturally in soils and rocks. It is part of the radioactive decay series and transforms into other radioactive elements that emit ionizing radiation. This radiation is particularly dangerous for the human body as it can cause cell damage. Radon is a gaseous element that can easily move through the air and penetrate living spaces.
Where does radon gas come from?
Radon is released into the pores of soil and rock and reaches the earth's surface through currents and diffusion. Weather conditions such as snow, rain and frost have a considerable influence on the radon concentration in the soil. The more permeable the soil, the more these conditions influence radon concentrations. Some regions have higher radon levels due to their geological composition, which poses an increased risk to people living there.

Why is radon gas dangerous?
Radon itself is not the main problem, but its decay products, in particular polonium 214 and 218. These heavy metals can be deposited in the bronchial tubes and damage DNA and cells, which can lead to lung cancer. The danger is that these particles are inhaled and thus come into direct contact with the respiratory tract, which significantly increases the risk of cancer.
Effects on health
Ionizing radiation emitted by radon and its decay products can cause genetic mutations, cancer and cell death. In Germany, a significant proportion of lung cancer cases are attributed to radon exposure in buildings. This is particularly worrying as many people spend much of their time indoors where radon concentrations can be higher.
Radon in indoor air
Radon can enter buildings from the ground, especially in basements. The concentration in indoor air depends on various factors, including the permeability of the soil and the ventilation of the building. In poorly ventilated rooms, radon can accumulate and become a serious health hazard. It is therefore important to regularly monitor radon levels in residential and commercial buildings.
What are radon precautionary areas?
Radon precautionary areas are regions with an increased risk of high radon concentrations in buildings, defined on the basis of geological data and radon measurements. These areas are often characterized by uranium-rich soils that release radon. In order to protect residents, stricter building regulations apply here, such as improved building waterproofing and increased ventilation systems. In addition, regular radon measurements in living and working spaces are recommended in radon precaution areas.
The designation of these areas raises awareness of radon hazards and promotes preventive measures. In this way, radon precautionary areas contribute to the reduction of lung cancer caused by radon exposure. They are therefore an important part of public health care.
Long-term measurement with annual mean value vs. real-time measurement
The statutory reference value of 300 Bq/m³ has applied in Germany since 2018. If a measurement shows a higher value, suitable protective measures must be taken to reduce radon exposure. While exposimeters only provide annual mean values, real-time measurement provides detailed insights into daily and seasonal fluctuations as well as the influence of room and environmental conditions on the radon concentration in your building. Only with this information can immediate measures (such as simple ventilation) be taken in the event of elevated levels, thus protecting the people in the building.
The importance of air quality parameters
Temperature, humidity, CO², dust, VOCs and air pressure play an important role in identifying the radon problem. These parameters can give an indication of the air permeability and ventilation efficiency of a building, which in turn influences the radon concentration. Comprehensive air quality monitoring is therefore essential to minimize the risk of radon exposure.
Occupational safety & reduction of sick days
Occupational safety is essential for the well-being of employees. Numerous laws oblige employers to create safe working conditions in order to prevent injuries and illnesses. Especially in radon precaution areas, employers should carry out radon measurements and take measures to reduce radon in the workplace. In addition, optimal air quality promotes general employee well-being, which reduces sick days and increases productivity. Such measures are crucial for the long-term health of the workforce and the success of the company.
The LivAir solution
LivAir offers a comprehensive air quality monitoring solution, including radon concentration. With real-time data and intelligent analysis, LivAir helps to identify radon problems and improve overall air quality. This leads to a healthier and safer indoor environment. LivAir's technology enables continuous monitoring, providing an effective tool for early detection and prevention of radon-related health risks.
Radon is a serious health risk that is often overlooked. Monitoring radon levels as well as other air quality parameters is crucial to minimize this risk. LivAir offers an innovative and comprehensive solution to make buildings safer and healthier. By raising awareness of the issue and using advanced monitoring technologies, people can be protected and the health risks associated with radon can be reduced.
Important information in brief
Radon is an invisible, radioactive gas that arises from the natural decay of uranium in the earth and can penetrate buildings. It is the second most common cause of lung cancer after smoking. Monitoring radon levels as well as other air quality parameters such as temperature, humidity, CO², dust, VOCs and air pressure is crucial to minimize health risks.
The LivAir solution provides comprehensive air quality monitoring specifically designed to detect radon and other important environmental factors. With real-time data and intelligent analysis, LivAir helps identify radon issues and improve overall air quality, resulting in a healthier and safer indoor environment.
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