Are you a building owner?

Healthy buildings are a valuable asset - protect them!

Protect your building from mold with LivAir and obtain valuable occupancy analyses at the same time.

As a property owner, you are probably familiar with one of these Problems

High energy costs

Energy is often wasted in buildings in particular, e.g. through incorrect ventilation, constantly running appliances and lamps.

Legal requirements

The government is increasingly tightening the permissible limits, e.g. for radon, in order to protect people.

High acquisition costs

Real estate is an expensive asset that needs to be maintained and protected in order to be a long-term investment.

New building standards

The government is constantly setting new standards for energy efficiency, reducing carbon emissions and improving the thermal insulation of buildings.

The need for sustainability

Buildings must become ever more sustainable if they are to survive in the future.

Dependence on the tenant

The reliability of the tenant determines the condition of your property - if it is rarely ventilated, there is a risk of mold developing and damaging the fabric of the building.

Monitoring of up to 10 environmental parameters

LivAir analyses the building parameters and actively supports building optimization.








Air humidity













3 additional sensors (virtual)
with the help of our AI technology

Risk of mold

Mold is one of the most common causes of poor air quality and is therefore also partly responsible for illnesses. With our score calculated by AI, you can actively prevent mold and thus protect your building and yourself.

Virus risk

Since the coronavirus pandemic, everyone has been aware of how dangerous a virus can be for us humans. Our integrated risk assessment helps you to stay safe in your home.


Always stay informed about which rooms are used particularly frequently or not at all. This not only saves you energy costs, but also allows you to plan occupancy much better.

LivAir One - the most intelligent air quality monitor

The LivAir monitor is equipped with a variety of sensors. The centerpiece is our patented radon sensor.

Dashboard with AI analysis

Whether you are monitoring just one office or a large building complex - the AI-based LivAir Dashboard informs, logs, analyzes, warns and controls: You can find all relevant indoor air data at a glance.

A win-win situation for room users AND Owner

LivAir, the intelligent SaaS sensor system, provides real-time indoor air monitoring for buildings. We strike the balance between healthy and energy-efficient buildings, with a focus on radon.

The win for room users:

The win for owners:

We spend 90% of our time every day indoors - and breathe in air that is 5 times more polluted than outdoors.

Make the invisible visible
and book your consultation now!

Take a look at how Livair ensures better indoor air.

Find out how LivAir is used in different industries

Frequently asked questions

Are you curious?
Read through some of our FAQs or
contact our support team.

Each closed room should be supplied with at least one device. For large rooms with more than 200 m², we recommend a second device.

You can see the first measured values after just 30 seconds and in real time. In order to be able to draw conclusions from the evaluations for changes to the heating or ventilation, we recommend a runtime of at least one month.

The best data can be evaluated after a year, as seasonal changes in the rooms (such as weather, heating or usage) are then also taken into account.

The device can be operated without an internet connection, but you can only monitor real-time data on the display. Without an internet connection, the data cannot be stored in the cloud and displayed on the dashboard to analyze the air quality over time.

In addition, an Internet connection is required for regular updates.

Each device can be connected to the internet via Wi-Fi. In addition, we offer the option of an integrated SIM card (optional) so that the device is always online, regardless of any Wi-Fi. However, this must be ordered separately.

Yes, it has a USB-C port and must be constantly supplied with power to measure.

The device should not be placed directly next to operable windows, doors, radiators, air filters and ventilation systems and at least 90 centimetres above the floor, ideally at chest height. We recommend placing the device on a shelf or table so that it is in an area where you breathe.