Radon in Saxony: An invisible risk and the challenge for building owners

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that escapes from the earth's crust. In certain regions, such as parts of Saxony, the concentration of this gas in buildings can be dangerously high, posing health risks.

A recent article in the Saxon newspaper from September 19, 2023, highlights the economic and health challenges that radon poses for contractors and building owners in Saxony (Germany):

  • The economic challenge: Goldsmith Sarah Böhme in Dippoldiswalde had to close her store because the radon levels in her business premises were too high. Despite efforts to reduce the levels, they remained dangerously high. The cost of sealing the affected walls or installing ventilation technology would have been enormous.
  • The health challenge: Radon has been linked to lung cancer. While short-term exposures, such as those occurring in radon spas, are considered relatively safe, long-term exposure in living and working spaces can increase the risk of lung cancer.
  • The legal challenge: Since 2021, employers in Saxony's radon precautionary areas have had to measure the radon concentration in first floors or basements where employees regularly spend time. Exceedances of the reference value of 300 becquerels per cubic meter must be reported and measures taken to reduce them.

LivAir offers solutions to overcome just such challenges. Our technology captures precise air quality values and detects radon to inform optimized control systems. This enables building owners and managers to be proactive and protect both people's health and their investments.

Source: Sächsische Zeitung, 19.09.2023
Saxony: This is how expensive protection against radon is | Sächsische.de (saechsische.de)


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